09 September, 2010

Wedding Emergency Kit

You know those moments of, 'Oh, I wish I had...'? Those moments seem to become much more frequent when one is involved in a wedding day, theirs or anothers. I happen to have been involved in a number of them, my own included and there are a lot of, 'I chipped a nail.' 'I cut myself.' 'My dress is falling down.' 'I ripped a seam on my wedding dress!' etc, etc and so forth.

For all the weddings I've been remotely involved in (and to be honest, any wedding I've ever attended) I've always brought an extra handbag filled with essential emergency-solving gear: band-aids, anti-bacterial stuff, mints, duct tape, hair pins, Advil, super glue, etc. There was never any organization to this, I just threw anything I could think of into a bag and went to the wedding. Sometimes it came in handy, other times I never opened it. But I knew it was there, just in case.

Last weekend, one of my closest friends got married and I had the grand privilege of being in her wedding. She was one of the uber-prepared brides who has everything done days in advance and never needed any help from her bridesmaids. I felt rather lax, all I had done was help plan her shower and make a bunch of cupcakes. So in a fit of I-have-to-do-something-or-else, she asked me to put together a wedding emergency kit. I went completely overboard; I freely admit it.

I searched the Internet for lists of what people suggested that you have, added to it from my own knowledge and here it is: The Ultimate Wedding Day Emergency Kit

It was actually very handy to have. We ended up using quite a lot of the kit for varied issues. Fortunately, none fell into the category of catastrophic emergencies. It was a beautiful and terribly fun wedding. I loved it and I loved that I got to be a part of it.

Here's the list of what the kit contained:

BeautiControl Body Glue
Travel First Aid Kit
Sponge Bob Bandaids (because why not?)
Tide to Go Pen
Badger Balm Sore Muscle Rub
Badger Balm Sleep Balm
Badger Balm Headache Soother 
Badger Balm Anti-Bug Balm (yes, I love all badger balms)
Hair pins
Safety pins
Sewing thread in white and the colour of the bridesmaid dresses
Sewing needle
Anti-Bacterial stuff
Clear Nail Polish
Moist Wipes
Makeup Remover Pads
Hand Lotion
Lint Roller
Hair clips
Nail Clippers
Hair Ties
Nature Sunshine Digestive Tablets
Talcum Powder
Panty Liners
and, the Bride's choice of candy

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