09 July, 2010

Moroccan Chicken

About a year ago I came across a Martha Stewart recipe for Moroccan Chicken. It is now one of my favorite chicken recipes. The spice rub can be used on virtually any type of chicken and probably turkey too. (Remind me, I'll try it when I get my free turkey this autumn) On our anniversary this year, I wanted to make something really special regardless of the fact that neither of us would be home before seven pm that day. But, a little planning goes a long way. I slathered a whole chicken with the spice rub the night before and let it sit in the fridge for the day.. When I got home at seven, I popped the chicken in the oven, put risotto on the stove and cut up the veggies for Panzanella. When hubby came home at eight, everything was ready! I love when that happens.
As to why I adapted Martha Stewart's perfectly good recipe? Well, her version called for cooking the bone-in type of chicken breasts at a very high heat.The first time I tried it, I lit the inside of my oven on fire. That was fun. 3 fire trucks, 2 policemen and one very stressed out husband later, I don't cook anything that high anymore. The fault of course does not lie with Martha Stewart; it lies with me and my neglectful cleaning of the bottom of my oven. Since I continually neglect the bottom of my oven, I stick to my own version of this deliciousness.
Anti-Oven Scorching Moroccan Chicken
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Coriander
1/2 tsp Tumeric
1/2 tsp Cumin
1/4 tsp Cardamom
1/4 tsp Cayenne
1/2 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
4 bone-in split chicken breasts or one whole chicken
In a medium sized bowl, mix spices, s, p, and olive oil. Stir very well. If using a whole chicken, I put the chicken in a large oven safe casserole dish or roasting pan and pour the spice mixture over the top. Then, I use my hands or you could use a basting brush to slather (there is no other word for this) the mixture all over the chicken. Bake according to package directions until chicken juices run clear.

If using chicken breasts, place chicken breasts in an oven safe casserole dish, pour the mixture over the breasts and slather well. Cook at 375 for 40 minutes or until cooked through.

Serve immediately. As mentioned before, this dish goes excellently with risotto and panzanella. Or parmesan mashed potatoes would be great too. Leftovers? Check out my Risotto post for a delicious next day casserole.


  1. Love the fire story. How'd I miss hearing about that until now??? : )

  2. Hhaha I have to hear the rest of this story later!! Sounds like fun chaos!
    From Allie N.


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